
SKU: WS13GBP1002G1 Kategória:


LARMNEE EWS13GBP1002G1 Set of 10 Stone Gabion Garden Spiral Connector with Spacers Metal Cages Galvanised Rustproof Steel 100 x 30 x 30 cm Garden Decoration

  • Easy to install: connect the grates together with the supplied spirals, no tools required. The grates are easy to clean and have a long service life. Spacer spacers are provided for a stable and sturdy pillar
  • Gabion with spirals: gabion size: 100 x 30 x 30 cm, mesh size: 10 x 5 cm. When filling, you can put stones of different materials. It is recommended that the stones are not smaller than the mesh size
  • Robust and durable: this stone cage is made of heat-treated wires, the galvanised metal wires with a thickness of 3.5 mm resist both corrosion and rust
  • Perfect assistant: these sturdy stone gabions allow you to easily build a strong and stylish garden fence, it will beautify your yard
  • Versatile use: the stone gabion can be used not only for noise protection and privacy, but also for bedding, garden fence, garden decoration, stb. Thanks to the combination of metal and natural stone, you will have artwork in your garden

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LARMNEE EWS19GB02 Stone Gabion Garden Gabion 100 x 30 x 95 cm Spiral Connector with Spacers, Metal Cages, Rustproof Galvanised Steel, Wall Partition, Garden Decoration Easy to install: connect the grates together with the supplied spirals, no tools required. The grates are easy to clean and have a long service life. Spacer spacers are provided for a stable and sturdy pillar Gabion with spirals: gabion size: 100 x 30 x 95 cm, mesh size: 10 x 5 cm. When filling, you can put stones of different materials. It is recommended that the stones are not smaller than the mesh size Robust and durable: this stone cage is made of heat-treated wires, the galvanised metal wires with a thickness of 4 mm resist both corrosion and rust


LARMNEE EWS13GBP1002G1 Set of 10 Stone Gabion Garden Spiral Connector with Spacers Metal Cages Galvanised Rustproof Steel 100 x 30 x 30 cm Garden Decoration Easy to install: connect the grates together with the supplied spirals, no tools required. The grates are easy to clean and have a long service life. Spacer spacers are provided for a stable and sturdy pillar Gabion with spirals: gabion size: 100 x 30 x 30 cm, mesh size: 10 x 5 cm. When filling, you can put stones of different materials. It is recommended that the stones are not smaller than the mesh size Robust and durable: this stone cage is made of heat-treated wires, the galvanised metal wires with a thickness of 3.5 mm resist both corrosion and rust


LARMNEE EWS18GB02 Stone Gabion Garden Gabion 100 x 30 x 80 cm Spiral Connector with Spacers, Metal Cages, Rustproof Galvanised Steel, Wall Partition, Garden Decoration Easy to install: connect the grates together with the supplied spirals, no tools required. The grates are easy to clean and have a long service life. Spacer spacers are provided for a stable and sturdy pillar Gabion with spirals: gabion size: 100 x 30 x 80 cm, mesh size: 10 x 5 cm. When filling, you can put stones of different materials. It is recommended that the stones are not smaller than the mesh size Robust and durable: this stone cage is made of heat-treated wires, the galvanised metal wires with a thickness of 4 mm resist both corrosion and rust


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